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Questions and Answers of ‘My Mother Never Worked’

  Questions and Answers of ‘My Mother Never Worked’ Comprehension 1.      What kind of work did Martha Smith do while her children were growing up? List     some of the chores she performed.        Martha Smith worked very hard at raising her children, doing farm chores, and               maintaining a household, but she did not work outside the home for pay-the only              kind of work recognized by the government.   2.      Why aren’t Martha Smith’s survivors entitled to a death benefit when their mother dies?     According to the government, Martha Smith is not eligible for a death benefit because she was never employed.   3.      How does the government define work?       The government defines work as an activity performed for compensation.   Purpose and Audience   1.      What point is the writer trying to make? Why do you suppose her thesis is never       explicitly stated?       The essay’s thesis is that although Martha Smith did not work out

Review of 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' Through the Lens of Logic

- Alaka Neupane                  Introduction  About the author  Khaled Hosseini (March 4, 1965) is an Afghan-American writer who was born in Kabul, Afghanistan. His father was a diplomat in the Afghan Foreign Ministry and his mother used to teach Farsi at a high school in Kabul. His family had to shift to Paris due to his father’s official reasons in 1976. By then they were ready to return to Kabul, which was invaded by the Soviet Army, resulting in them moving to California, upon the political asylum provided by the United States. He did his graduation in biology and went into the medical field. His debut novel is ‘The Kite Runner’, which he started writing in 2001 and was published in 2003. The other novels written by him are ‘A Thousand Splendid Suns’, ‘And the Mountains Echoed’ and ‘Sea Prayer’.  ( Source: About the book ‘A Thousand Splendid Suns’ is a novel that depicts the situation of

Book Review: ‘Ijoriya’ (इजोरिया) by Subin Bhattarai

- Alaka Neupane  Book Review: ‘Ijoriya’ by Subin Bhattarai ‘Ijoriya’ by Subin Bhattarai is an engaging novel that delves into the intricate lives of its characters set in the vibrant environment of Janakpur. The narrative introduces a diverse cast including Simrik, Ramila, Shankar Shireesh, Haridhwaj Mishra, Moti (the loyal dog), Raghunath, Thakur, Rambali, Kahawat Chacha, Fuwa (the nurturing figure), Mayadevi (Ramila’s mother), Bisanlal, Abhiyan, and Prashant who collectively weave a story rich in societal commentary. The plot hooks readers with its suspense, particularly around the mysterious suicide of Shireesh, and keeps them engaged with numerous twists and turns. Ramila’s character embodies the struggles of a typical village woman, bound by the oppressive norms of a patriarchal society. Her life, dictated by her husband and father-in-law, highlights the harsh rea


  LEGISLATION AS A SOURCE OF LAW IN THE CONTEXT OF NEPAL Background The term ‘ Legislation ’ is derived from the Latin words ‘ Legis ’ a law and ‘ Latum ’  meaning ‘make’, ‘put’, and ‘set’. Thus etymologically, legislation means making or  setting the law. Broadly , this term is used in three senses:  Firstly , in its broadest sense, it includes all  methods of law-making. In this sense, legislation includes  judge-made rules of law, and  even the particular rules of law or the rights created at law between parties  to contract.  In the second sense, the legislation includes every expression of the will of the legislature,  whether directed to the making of law or not. In this sense, every act of the legislature is  an instance of legislation, irrespective of its purpose and effect. The legislature does not  confine its action to the making of law, yet all its functions are included within the term  ‘legislation’, for example, the legislature may enter into a treaty with a foreign sta

न्याय प्रणालीको विकासमा अदालतको मित्रको भूमिका

 न्याय प्रणालीको विकासमा अदालतको मित्रको भूमिका पृष्ठभूमी अदालत भनेको न्यायिक काम गर्नको लागि बनाइएको एउटा अड्डा हो । जसले जनताको संवैधानिक र   मौलिक हक अधिकारको संरक्षण गर्दछ । अदालतमा विचाराधिन विषय केवल पक्ष विपक्षका हित,  स्वार्थ रक्षा गर्ने विषयमा मात्र केन्द्रित हुँदैन । सो विषय समग्र समाजलाई नै असर गर्ने प्रवृत्तिको हुन  सक्छ। तर, समाजलाई कस्तो निर्णय पस्किने भन्ने कुरामा अदालतलाई दुविधा पर्न सक्छ। त्यस्तो  भएको खण्डमा अदालतले आफ्नो सहजताका लागि सम्बन्धित विषयमा विद्वता हासिल गरेका  विशेषज्ञ, कानुन व्यवसायी, सरकारी वकिल वा प्राध्यापकलाई आह्वान गर्न सक्दछ।  'एमिकस क्युरी' ल्याटिन शब्द हो जसको अर्थ विवादलाई मित्रवत र सही ढङ्गले सुल्झाउनु हुन्छ।   नेपालीमा एमिकस क्यूरीलाई अदालतको सहयोगी भनिन्छ। अदालतलाई कुनै जटिल कानुनी प्रश्नमा वा  सार्वजनिक सरोकारको विषयमा निर्णयमा पुग्नका लागि अदालतले सहयोग मागे बमोजिम उपस्थित  भई बहस पैरवी गर्ने व्यक्ति अदालतको सहयोगी हो। उनिहरुले कुनै पक्षका पक्षतर्फ सम्बद्ध नरही सही  न्याय निरूपणको निमित्त अदालतमा उपस्थित भई बहस पैरवी गरी अदालतलाई विष