Science Education

Mid Term Examination-2071
Grade: 6                                                                            F.M. : 100
Sub: Science                                                                      P.M. : 40
Group – A (Physics)
Very short questions    10
1.        What kind of watch is used to measure the time of sports?
2.        What is the standard unit of length?
3.        How many grams are there is one kilogram?
4.        What type of force is operated between the earth and sun?
5.        A girl is sitting in a moving merry-go round, what type of motion is she having?
6.        Write two examples of simple machine.
7.        What is the major source of heat?
8.        What is the SI unit of temperature?
9.        Write two examples of luminous objet.
10.    Write two translucent objects.

Answer the following questions.

1.        What is rectilinear propagation of light?  2
2.        Differentiate between image and shadow.  2
3.        Why opaque objects form shadow?  2
4.        Differentiate between heat and temperature.  2
5.        Why we feel hot, when we touch the boiling water?  2
6.        Draw the neat diagram of pulley.  3
7.        What is pulley? How many kinds of pulley do you know? 2
8.        What is force? Write any four effects of force.  3
9.        Define derived unit. Give three examples.  2

Group – 'B' (Chemistry)
Very short questions.  10
1.        Write two gaseous elements.
2.        How many elements are in the liquid state at room temperature? Name them.
3.        What is the atomic no. of Aluminum?
4.        What is the Latin name of copper?
5.        What is the boiling point of water?
6.        Give one example of mixture?
7.        Name the constituents of atom.
8.        Which acid is commonly known as 'amilo'?
9.        What is the chemical name of salt?
10.    Which vitamin is found in yeast?
Answer the following questions.
1.        Give the symbol and Latin name of sodium, potassium and iron.  3
2.        Differentiate between solid and liquid.  2
3.        Solids have a definite shape. Why?  2
4.        Water is called a compound. Why? 2
5.        Name any four chemicals used in our daily life.  2
6.        Write two uses of common salt.  2
7.        What is symbol?  2
Group 'C' (Biology)
very short questions   10
1.        What is biology?
2.        Name any two free floating plants.
3.        Write one example of protozoa.
4.        How many phylum are there?
5.        Which is the longest cell in our body?
6.        Who discovered cell and when?
7.        Where does chromosome lie?
8.        Is cell wall living?
9.        What is the function of ribosome?
10.    Name the types of plastids.

Answer the following questions
1.        What is nucleus and where is it found in animal cell.   2
2.        Cell wall is protective layer of plant cell. Why?  2
3.        Mitochondria is also called power house of the cell. Why?  2
4.        Draw plant cell and label it.  4
5.        Differentiate between plant cell and animal cell.  2
6.        Write any two characteristics of Annelida.  2
7.        Write any two examples of Coelenterate. 1

Group 'D' (Astronomy and Geology)
1.        Write short notes about valley.  3
2.        Sketch the different layers of the earth.  3
3.        Differentiate between inner core and outer core.  2
4.        The thickness of the crust is variable. Why?  2
5.        State the advantages of lithosphere to mankind.   2
6.        Name the factors affecting the weather.  2
7.        What is weather?  2
8.        List out the source of water found in nature.  2
9.        Rain water is not always clean. Why?   2

Best of Luck    


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