Human cloning

What is summary writing? And what are its steps? Make a diagram as well.
A shortened cut down version of the subject matter is called summary writing. It is written in writer's (who is writing) words. Summary writing can be written about any topic lesson or even a picture. Normally, summary includes the most important information but not out personal feelings. What the subject is about and what writer (author) tries to say is main part of summary writing.
There are three steps in writing summary.
i) Topic sentences:  Beginning of summary writing is starting with topic sentence which is the main focus of the summary. Where the ideas are taken from and what is being said are in topic sentence.
ii) Body:- writing summary is organizing the ideas or writing. This organization is called the body.  There is a type of pattern of presentation.
iii) Concluding sentence:- The last part of writing summary paragraph is a concluding sentence. Concluding sentence restates (says again) the main focus of the whole writing.
The diagram of Summary is like this.
Topic Sentence
What is being said about the topic?

Where yours information is form?
Body of Paragraph
Support for topic
Paraphrased information
Concluding Sentence
Restatement of topic sentence

A. Sample summary on Human Cloning Debate.
This excerpt occurred in "The Chicago Tribune". The writer Peter Kendall is trying to explore some of the positive and negative issues regarding cloning, especially human cloning. He has focused on the advantages and disadvantages or boon or curses in adopting human cloning. Advantages in the sense that we have a number of productions in a short period of time. Sterile parents can have a biological child without sex. More importantly, the damaged parts of our body, extinct animals and plants can be changed and preserved respectively with cloning technology. He has also raised some moral question that human cloning will spoil socio-cultural harmony. The identity in physical structures has almost identical mental levels. lack of special quality, impossibility of exact copy of original. There will be problem to criminal investigation process. It will bring big questions on biological charm in husband and wife relation since natural sex to beget the child is no more required. In this lesson the writer has illustrated and raised the issues of advantages and disadvantages of human closing as is adopted like in plants and animals.


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