
Showing posts from June, 2019

Science Question

                                                   2074 Subject: Science                                                              Full Mark:75 Class: VIII                   Time: 2:15 Hrs.                        Pass Mark:   30 Candidates are required to give their answers according to the given   instruction. Attempt all the questions:   ;a} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ 5g\ . SET B           GROUP A (PHYSICS) 1. a. What is meant by weight of an object? On what two factors does it depend?                                 1 +1             वस्तुको तौल भन्नाले के बुझिन्छ ? यो कुन दुई कुरामा भर पर्छ ? b. The unit of power is derived unit, why? Convert 1g/cm 3 into SI unit. सामर्थ्यको एकाइ तत्जन्य एकाइ हो, किन ? 1g/cm 3 लाई एस.आइ. एकाइमा परिवर्तन गर्नुहोस् ।                                              1 +2 2. a. What is average velocity? A car is moving in east direction with 20m/s velocity and another towards west with ve

English Question

English Class: 8                                                        Full Marks: 75 Time: 2:15 hrs. Candidates are required to give their answers according to the given instruction. Attempt all the questions: 1. Rewrite the following sentences selecting the correct options.                                                        5x1=5 a) He is future ____ heir to the throne. (a/an/the) b) She walks ___ foot. (by/ on/to) c) They wash their clothes ______. (themself/ourselves / themselves) d) He went to supermarket ____ buy clothes. (to/ because/ so) e) She’s writing an essay, _____she? (hasn’t/ doesn’t/isn’t ) 2. Change the following sentences as indicated in brackets.                                             3x1=3 a) They celebrated Christmas. (into passive voice) c) My uncle told me not to tell a lie. (into direct speech) d) The pencil doesn’t work. It is very expensive. (into relative clause) 3. Fill in the blanks with the corre