English Question


Class: 8                                                       Full Marks: 75
Time: 2:15 hrs.

Candidates are required to give their answers according to the given instruction.

Attempt all the questions:

1. Rewrite the following sentences selecting the correct options.                                                        5x1=5
a) He is future ____ heir to the throne. (a/an/the)
b) She walks ___ foot. (by/ on/to)
c) They wash their clothes ______. (themself/ourselves / themselves)
d) He went to supermarket ____ buy clothes. (to/ because/ so)
e) She’s writing an essay, _____she? (hasn’t/ doesn’t/isn’t )
2. Change the following sentences as indicated in brackets.                                             3x1=3
a) They celebrated Christmas. (into passive voice)
c) My uncle told me not to tell a lie. (into direct speech)
d) The pencil doesn’t work. It is very expensive. (into relative clause)
3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box below.                                                          2x1=2
    are    is    visit     visits
a) Mathematics _____ difficult subject.
b) Either Ram or his friends _____ the park.
4. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.                                               10
Prince Siddhartha Gautama was born in Lumbini in Nepal about 2555 years ago. He had a luxurious royal life in the palace until he was 29. He was completely ignorant of troubles of everyday life. One day, he went outside and was shocked when he saw an old man, a cripple and a corpse. These sights made him leave the palace and worldly pleasures in order to find the cause of these sufferings and the true meaning of life. After much wandering and searching, Gautama finally attained enlightenment and became known as the ‘Buddha’. He preached “The Four Noble Truths”. According to him, desire is the root cause of all suffering. These desires and other problems can be totally eliminated by following the “Eightfold Paths” – right views, right intent, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right meditation.
A.  Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the above text.                                                           3x1=3
a) Siddhartha hadn’t seen _____of everyday life before he came out.
b) He left his palace to ______ meaning of life.
c) ____ is the main reason of suffering in our life.
B. Match the following words with their similar meanings.                                                          3x1= 3
Column A              Column B
wander                  obstacles
troubles                 eradicate 
eliminate               roam around
C.  Answer the following questions:                 4x1=4
a) What was Siddhartha Gautama completely ignorant of ?
b) What made Siddhartha shock outside the palace?
c) How did he get enlightened?
d) According to Buddha, how can we eliminate our sufferings ?
5. Read the passage and answer the following questions:  
 In 1949, Ganesh Man Singh became one of the founding members of the Nepali Congress. Following this, he played a significant role to overthrow the Rana Regime in 1950. In 1958, he became the cabinet minister. However, after the coup by the late king Mahendra on 31st December 1960, he was arrested and kept at Sundarijal Military Detention Camp for eight years. Yet he refused to let his spirit be broken. Instead, he became one of the main leaders advocating democracy in Nepal after he was released on 30th October 1968. He spent many years struggling against the Partyless Panchayat System. Finally, he led the Nepalese Democratic Movement in 1990 which overthrew the Panchayat System. After the restoration democracy, in 1990, he transcended above the party politics. Later he started working in favour of the nation and his people. Sadly, the Iron Man died on September 18th, 1997 in Chaksibari, Kathmandu. He was awarded the United States Peace prize in 1990. Moreover, he was the first Asian to be honored with the United Nations Human Rights Award which he received in 1993. He was the first commoner to receive the state funeral in Nepal.
A.   Write ‘T” for true and ‘F’ for or false statements.
a) Ganesh Man Singh was one of the founding members of Nepali Congress.
b) He fought against Rana Regime and Panchayat System.
c) He spent no time struggling against the Partyless Panchayat system.
d) After the restoration of democracy he went beyond the party politics.
e) Democracy was established in 1990.
B.  Answer these questions:                                      5x1= 5
a) Who was Ganesh Man Singh?
b) When did Ganesh Man become minister?
c) In later years, in what activities did Ganesh Man involve?
d) Why was he called ‘Iron Man’?       
e) When was Ganesh Man awarded with the US Human Rights Award?
6. Read the letter and answer the following questions: 10
Shantinagar, Kathmandu
7th Asadh, 2074
Dear Sanju,
              It’s my pleasure to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on your grand success in the SEE exam.
There were no bounds to my happiness when I heard that you passed the exam in GPA 4. You have also set a new record in your school. Indeed, you have a niche in the temple of fame.
You are true to the proverb “Morning shows the day” as you always first in each and every exam at school. Your success is a source of inspiration for the juniors of your school to be diligent like you.
Congratulations once again!
Yours sincerely
A. Match the words in column A with their meaning in column B.                                                        4x1= 4
Column ‘A’            Column ‘B’
bottom                   limits
bounds                  base
niche                     hard working
diligent                  suitable role         
B.   Fill in blanks with appropriate words from the letter.                                                   2x1=2
Rashmi congratulates to ____that she has passed with _____.
C. Answer these questions:                                       4x1 = 4
a) Who was this letter written by?
b) What sort of student was Sanju?
c) Who was true to the proverb and why?
d) What was the purpose of writing this letter?
7. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.                                                 10
When I was 16, I used to read a lot of books, any book I could lay my hands on. I still read today but now I select books to suit my interest and purpose. It took me a long time to do so. The time and events the course of my life is still fresh in my mind.     
Like so many of my friends, I used to earn money by teaching Primary school children (now I teach college students). Mr. Dahal never paid me but he always had a reason. One day he had nothing smaller than a 500 rupee note, on another day he was simply not at home and so on. Then, I used to think him a liar but now I think of him as a fine gentleman who was the victim of the poverty.
One late afternoon, I was walking by his house, when he mentioned me to come inside. ‘I owe you…. he began, ‘I thought I’d save him the trouble of thinking up a new excuse , ‘no problem. Don’t worry about it.’
I’ll be able to pay in a couple of days. In the meantime, I thought perhaps you could choose one or two volumes for a down payment.  ‘He gestured towards walls, and I saw books stacked everywhere. Mr. Dahal encouraged, ‘Find something you like. What do you read?’ I didn’t know. I said, ‘pick for me.’ He raised his eyebrows, and regarded me for a while. After a moment, he handed me a dark red book.
I started the book sitting outdoors on an uncomfortable kitchen chair. Within a few pages, everything else disappeared and I plunged into the events of the book. When the evening light finally failed, I moved inside and read all through the night.
To this day, 35 years later, I vividly remember the experience. I used to read books but for the first time I was stunned by the undiluted power a book could contain.
A. Answer the following questions.                           41=4
a) Which book did the writer use to read?
b) How did the writer use to earn money?
c) What does the writer now think about Mr. Dahal?
d) Did the writer enjoy reading the book? Give reasons.
B. Rewrite the following sentences, indicating ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements.             41=4
a) The writer used to read books without any interest and purpose.
b) Mr. Dahal didn’t like to pay the writer.
c) The writer was asked to read a book for a down payment.
d) The book which the writer read wasn’t interesting.
C. Fill the best answer in the gap and rewrite the sentences.                                            21=2
a) Actually Mr. Dahal was………….
     i. a liar      ii. victim of poverty     iii.  a dishonest
b) The writer was…….. by the undiluted power of book.
     i. displeased     ii. motivated                  iii. shocked
8. Complete the following dialogue selecting the sentences / phrases given in box below.    5
A :  ____________! Please have seat.
B :   Thanks.
A :   ______________.
B:   No, thanks. I am feeling cold.
A:   What about a cup of hot coffee?
B:     Yes, please____________________
A :   Can I  use your cell phone to make call, please?
B:    Sure.
A :   where is it?
B:    ______________.
A:  ________________
B:  I am afraid. I haven’t got internet connection.

a. It is on the table.
b. Welcome to my house.
c. Do you like to have some cold drinks?
d. I love to drink coffee.
e. Can I use your wifi connection?
9. Write a readable story with the help of following outlines.                                                               5 
A jackal goes into a town……… falls into a dyer’s pot while chasing by dogs …….. finds himself deep blue………. announces himself king of forest…….starts to treat other jackals badly……..they holds a meeting……..a cunning jackal howls……disguised jackal also howls. moral.
10. Write an essay on “Our Heritage Sites” in about 200 words.                                                           15



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