Practice Question for class 9, English

Subject: English
                                                                                                                                 Full Mark:75
Class: IX                                             Time: 2:15 Hrs.                                           Pass Mark:  30

Candidates are required to give their answers according to the given instruction.
Attempt all the questions:

1. Read the poem given below and answer the questions. 5
                  The wind and the leaves
“Come, little leaves,” said the wind one day
“Come over meadows with me and play

Put on your dresses of red and gold;
For summer is gone, and the days grow cold.”

Soon as the leaves heard the wind’s loud call,
Down they came fluttering, one and all

O’ver the brown field then they danced and flew,
Singing the soft little songs they knew.

Dancing and whirling, the little leaves went,
Winter had called them, and they were content.

Soon, fast asleep on their earthy beds,
The snow laid a coverlet over their heads. _George Cooper
A.   Write similar meanings of given words on the basis of poem.                                                                 4x0.5=2
      a. pasture land     b. flapping   c. spinning   d. satisfied 
B.  Answer these questions:                               3x1= 3
a) What is the poem about?
b) Why do the leaves drop?
c) When did the snow lay the bedspread over them?
2.   Read the dialogue between a reporter and a doctor and answer the questions that follow.                      10
Reporter:   The term ‘bird flu’ is heard quite frequently these days. Could you please tell us what exactly bird flu is, doctor?
Dr. Imran:  Bird flu is the commonly used term for avian influenza which is a viral infection transmitted from bird to bird. Particularly, a deadly strain of bird flu- H5N1 continues to spread among poultry in different parts of Asia and Europe.
Reporter: What exactly is H5N1? Would mind telling us how it affects humans?
Dr. Imran: Not at all. Technically, H5N1 is a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus. It’s as deadly to most birds as humans and other mammals that catch the virus from birds. Although the virus is not easily transmitted in the same ways as most human flu bugs, H5N1 has nearly killed 60% of those infected since the first human case in late 90s. It is seen transmitted among people like butchers and poultry farm workers who have had exceptionally close contact with the infected poultry. Besides, no effective medicine has so far been discovered.
Reporter: The spread of this flu seems to be so fast as if it is transferred by air. I wonder if you could tell us how it spreads so fast.
Dr. Imran: Yes, certainly. Actually the flu virus is not transmitted through respiration. Most notably the natural carriers of bird flu viruses are migratory water fowls like wild ducks. The infection can later spread from wild fowls to domestic ones. During 2011, the disease got widely spread in Asia. Nepal too could not remain away from its dark shadow as its carriers are the birds that may fly hundreds of miles in a single day.
A.    Write ‘T” for true and ‘F’ for or false statements.
a)   Bird flu is a viral infection disease.
b)   Generally bird flu transmits only bird to humans.
c)   It is less fatal to humans.
d)   It has more chance of transmitting to butchers and poultry farm workers who have close contact with the infected poultry.
e)   It also spread in Nepal since the carriers were the poultry.
B.  Answer the following questions:                              4x1=4
a)   What is bird flu?
b)   Who are more prone to get transmitted avian influenza virus?
c)   Why is bird flu not curable?
d)   Does it transmit through respiration?
e)   Who are the natural carriers of influenza virus?
3. Read the passage and answer the following questions: 10
What makes it rain? Rain falls from clouds for the same reason anything falls to Earth. The Earth's gravity pulls it. But every cloud is made of water droplets or ice crystals. Why doesn't rain or snow fall constantly from all clouds? The droplets or ice crystals in clouds are exceedingly small. The effect of gravity on them is minute. Air currents move and lift droplets so that the net downward displacement is zero, even though the droplets are in constant motion.
Droplets and ice crystals behave somewhat like dust in the air made visible in a shaft of sunlight. To the casual observer, dust seems to act in a totally random fashion, moving about chaotically without fixed direction. But in fact dust particles are much larger than water droplets and they finally fall. The cloud droplet of average size is only 1/2500 inch in diameter. It is so small that it would take sixteen hours to fall half a mile in perfectly still air, and it does not fall out of moving air. Only when the droplet grows to a diameter of 1/125 inch or larger can fall from the cloud. The average raindrop contains a million times as much water as a tiny cloud droplet. The growth of a cloud droplet to a size large enough to fall out is the cause of rain and other forms of precipitation. This important growth process is called “coalescence.”
A.   Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given and rewrite the sentences. 5x1=5
a) The word ‘minute’ closest in meaning is ________ .
      i. second   ii. tiny     iii. slow   iv. predictable
b)   All ice crystals in clouds immediately don’t fall to earth as ________.
i. they are balanced by the pressure of rain droplets.
ii. the effect of gravity at high altitude is random.
iii. they are kept aloft by air currents.
iv. the heat from the sun’s  ray melts them
c) The word ‘constant motion’ closest meaning is_____.
i. regular wind                   ii. descent movement  
iii. steady movement         iv. steady humidity
d)   It can be inferred about drops of water larger than 1/125 inch in diameter is_________.
i. they never occur.
ii. they are not affected by the force of gravity.
iii. in still air they would fall to earth.
iv. in moving air they fall at a speed of thirty-two miles per hour.
e) In this passage, the term ‘coalescence’ refers to __________.
i. the gathering of small clouds to form larger clouds
ii. the growth of droplets
iii. the fall of raindrops and other precipitation
iv. the movement of dust particles in the sunlight.
B. Answer these questions:                                            5x1 = 5
a)   What is the reason to fall rain on earth?
b)   Why is there downward displacement zero?
c)   What is a difference between dust particles and water droplets?
d) When do droplets of water fall to earth?
e) What is precipitation?
4.   Read the advertisement and answer the following questions:                                                                                                    15
Mt. ‘Everest Peak’ is a reputed and established Travel Agency. The agency is seeking to recruit competent, result oriented, self motivated staff.
1. Post:           Account Officer (one)
Qualification: B.Com or above
Preference:    3-5 years experience in Travel Agency Accounting
Salary:                                    Negotiable
2. Post:                       Ticketing Officer (one)
Qualification:             +2 Or above
Preference:  2-3 years experience in related field and able to handle computer
Salary:            Negotiable
Interested candidates are requested to send their application with one recent passport size photo and complete bio-data to the following address not later than July 15, 2017.        
The Managing Director
P.O. Box 1234, Kathmandu, Nepal.
A.   Write the words from the above advertisement which are similar in meaning to the following words: 4x1=4
      a. searching for    b. employees      c. capable   
      d. resume 
B. Write ‘T” for true and ‘F’ for or false statements. 3x1=3
a)   Everest Peak Travel agency is newly established company.
b)   Experience is compulsory for both posts.
c)   Anyone can apply for the posts.
C. Answer the following questions:                   4x2=8
a)   How much salary has been offered to the candidates?
b)   What does a candidate need to submit with application?
c)   What are the preferable requirements for the ticketing officer?
d)   What is the dead line of sending application?
5.   Write a message of condolence on the basis of the following clues to be published in a newspaper.      5
Reshma Rajbanshi, student of grade IX, 15 years old, good at study and extracurricular activities, popular among friends and teachers, killed in motorcycle accident.

6.   Write a readable story with the help of following outlines and give suitable title and moral too.                               5 
A merchant--load his donkey with salt--donkey slips into a stream on the way weight becomes less--merchant reloads the donkey with salt-- donkey plays the same trick-- merchant decides to teach a lesson--loads with sponges-donkey acts to slip--sponges heavier with water--donkey realizes its mistake-moral.
7.   Write a couple of paragraphs ‘Role of political parties in development activities’.                                    6
8.   Write an essay on ‘Our language and culture’ in about 150 words.                                                                    8
9.   Reproduce the following sentences as indicated in the brackets.                                                          6x1=6
a)   Someone loves cooking, ………? (question tag)
b)   I am fine too. (into negative)
c)   She hurt her friend badly. ( into yes/no question)
d)   He played volleyball yesterday. (into simple future)
e)   The doctor advised me to take medicine twice a day. (into direct speech)
f)    She gives me a pen. (into passive)
10. Choose the following word/s from the brackets to complete the passage below:                                       10x 0.5 =5
Once I determined to enjoy with my friend. I went to see my old friend Sandip ____ (who/whom/which) was a member of local council at that time. Sandip was managing for a writer to give ______ (a/ an/the) talk _____ (in/on/off) modern literature at the town library. Sandip was going to introduce the guest speaker that evening. Since the guest had not yet arrived, I ______ (leaves /leave/left) him and went in reading room. The room _________ (was occupied/ occupied/ had occupied) by audience. Sandip called me and enquired, “You’re a teacher of English literature, _____ ?” (are you/aren’t you/ aren’t I). He seemed worried. He explained that he ____ (received /receives/had received) a message that the writer could not come.  Sandip asked me if I ____ (will mind/ would mind/would have minded) acting as a speaker. Many a topic on modern literature _______  (was/ were/ are) to be presented to the audience. Without preparation, I was made____  ( to address/ address/ addressed) the audience.                                    
The end


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