Practice Question for class 9, English


Class: 9                                                                       Full Marks: 75
Time: 2:15 hrs.
Candidates are required to give their answers according to the given instruction.
Attempt all the questions:
1. Read the poem given below and answer the questions. 5
The Foolish Fish
“Dear Mother”, said a little fish,
“Is that a worm I see?
I am very hungry, and I wish
You’d get the worm for me.”
“Sweet innocent,” the mother cried,
And started from her nook,
“That worm you see is there to hide
The sharpness of a hook.”
As I have heard, the little trout
Was young and foolish too.
And presently he ventured out
To learn what might be true.
Around the worm he played,
With many a longing look,
And “Dear me!” to himself he said,
“I’m sure there is no hook.”
“I think I’ll give one little bite,”
And that was what he did,
And thus he died in hapless plight
By not doing as he was bid. __Ann and Jane Taylor
A.   Write opposite meanings of given words on the basis of poem.                                                                          4x0.5=2
a) guilty        b) reveal      c)  wise     d)   fortunate  
B.  Answer these questions:                                           3x1=3
a) What does the little fish want the mother fish do?
b) How was the hook?
c) How did young fish die?
2.   Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.                                                                                        10
The match will be played between the four houses in the school. It will start after school on Friday. We have requested Mr. Chulgen Chaudhary, our sports teacher to help us conduct the match. Mr. Chaudhary is planning to ask three of our senior students to help him. We are thinking of doing the preliminary round of the match on Friday. We plan to do the quarter final and semi final on Monday as it is a public holiday. The final will take place next Friday. The house captains are thinking of forming volunteer team of students to maintain discipline and help the match run smoothly. As Mr. Chaudhary has consented us, we will be using the school playground and the ball as well as the net. We have also requested MS. Manmaya. She is thinking of being the umpire for us. Besides, she is planning to appoint two of the students to keep the score. We hope the play will be great.
A.  Write ‘T” for true and ‘F’ for or false statements.
a)   The match is going to play between inter-houses in the school.
b)   Mr. Chaudhary will only support the students to conduct the match.
c)   The final match will take place coming Friday.
d)   The volunteers will participate in the sport to maintain discipline.
e)   Mr. Chaudhary has appointed MS. Manmaya as an umpire.
B. Answer the following questions:                               5x1=5
a)   Who will participate in the match?
b)   Who is Mr. Chulgen Chaudhary?
c)   Why have the students decided to do quarter final and semi-final on Monday?
d)   Where will the match take place?
e)   Who will be the scorer of the match?
3. Read the passage and answer the following questions:10
A young man went into the town brought himself a pair of trousers. When he got home, he went upstairs to is bedroom and put them on. He found that they were about two inches too long. He went downstairs where his mother and his two sisters were washing up the tea things in the kitchen. “These new trousers are too long,” he said. “They need shortening by about two inches. Would one of you mind doing this for me?” His mother and sisters were quite busy and none of them said anything. But as soon as his mother had finished washing up, she went quietly upstairs to her son’s bedroom and shortened the trousers by two inches. She came down stairs without saying anything to her daughters.   Later on, after supper, the elder sister remembered her brother’s trousers. She was kind hearted girl; so she went quietly up stairs without saying to anyone, and shortened the trousers by two inches. The younger sister went to the cinema, but when she came in, she, too, remembered what her brother had said. So she ran upstairs with her scissors, needle and thread, and took two inches off the legs of the new trousers. You can imagine the look on the young man’s face when he put on the trousers on next morning.
A.   Find words/phrase from the passage which have the similar meanings to the following:       2x1=2
    a)  require                                                         b) evening meal
B. Rewrite the following sentences in the right order:
a)   Later each of his sisters also took two inches off the trousers’ leg.
b)   They were two inches long to him.
c)   A young man bought a pair of trousers.
d)   The young man was shocked when he put on the trousers.
e)   His mother did as she was told to.
f)    He asked his mother and sisters to shorten them by two inches.
C. Answer these questions: 5x1 = 5
a)   What did the young man find when he got home put the trousers on?
b)   What did his mother sisters say when he asked them to shorten the trousers?
c)   What did the young man’s mother do when she had finished washing up the tea things?
d)   What did the sisters do to the trousers?
e)   Did the young man find his trousers fit next morning? How?
4. Read the passage and answer the following questions:15
The first English attempts to colonize North America were controlled by individuals rather than companies. Sir Humphrey Gilbert was the first Englishman to send colonists to the New World. His initial expedition, which sailed in 1578 with a patent granted by Queen Elizabeth was defeated by the Spanish. A second attempt ended in disaster in 1583, when Gilbert and his ship were lost in a storm. In the following year, Gilbert's half brother, Sir Water Raleigh, having obtained a renewal of the patent, sponsored an expedition that explored the coast of the region that he named "Virginia." Under Raleigh's direction efforts were then made to establish a colony on Roanoke island in 1585 and 1587. The survivors of the first settlement on Roanoke returned to England in 1586, but the second group of colonists disappeared without leaving a trace. The failure of the Gilbert and Raleigh ventures made it clear that the tasks they had undertaken were too big for any one colonizer. Within a short time the trading company had supplanted the individual promoter of colonization.
A.   Write the words from the above advertisement which are similar in meaning to the following words:             4x1=4
a. voyage     b. an official right     c.  regeneration  
d. replaced
B.   Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given and rewrite the     sentences.                                   5x1=5
a)   According to the passage, Sir Humphrey Gilbert _____.
i.    never settled in North America.
ii.   got a patent of his trading company from the queen.
iii. fought the Spanish twice.
iv. died in 1587.
b)   In _____ Sir Walter Raleigh's initial expedition set out for North America.
      i. 1577    ii. 1579      iii.  1582      iv. 1584
c)   According the passage, the following can be true about members of the first Roanoke settlement that, _______.
i. they explored the entire coastal region.
ii. some did not survive.
iii. they named the area "Virginia".
iv. most were not experienced sailors.
d)   The first English settlement on Roanoke Island was established in _______.
      i. 1578     ii. 1583    iii. 1585     iv.  1587
e)   According to the passage, which of the following statements about the second settlement on Roanoke Island is, ________.
      i. Its settlers all gave up and returned to England.
ii. It lasted for several years.
iii. The fate of its inhabitants is unknown.
iv. It was conquered by the Spanish
C. Answer the following questions:                               3x2=6
a) Who was Sir Humphrey Gilbert?
b) What happened to Gilbert’s second attempt?
c) How did trading company come into?
5.   One of your classmates has been killed in plane crash while flying to Lukla. Write a formal notice of condolence in a newspaper.                                                                   5
6.   Write a readable story by using the following given clues, giving to a   suitable title and moral. 5      
Wolf hungry……..sheep guarded by a shepherd……. Wolf’s plan…….puts on a sheep’s skin ……..mixes with flock……….sheep bleating ………….. wolf tries to bleat……only howls…..found out………killed by the shepherd. Moral…….
7.   Write a couple of paragraphs about the heritage sites which you have recently visited.                                            6
8. Write an essay on ‘Cell phones, means of learning tool’ in about 150 words.                                               8
9.   Reproduce the following sentences as indicated in the brackets.                                                          6x1=6
a) Everyone was present yesterday, ………? (question tag)
b) They didn’t wear their caps. (into affirmative)
c) She speaks English fluently. ( into yes/no question)
d) They have painted the wall. (into future perfect)
e) The teacher asked where I lived. (into direct speech)
f) He writes a poem. (into passive)
10. Rewrite the following sentences choosing the best alternatives from the brackets:        10x0.5= 5
Last week, I went to see my friend ____ (who/whom/which) was badly injured in_____ accident (a/an/the).  He was travelling ____ a bus (by/on/with) while the accident took place. It _______ before his journey started (had been raining/ was raining/ rained). On the way, landslides ________ (was caused/ caused/ were caused) by heavy rain. He was so excited to reach his home, ______ (was/wasn’t / didn’t) he? He seemed worried due to weather condition. But driver told him not _____ (to worry /worry/worried) and he would drive carefully. While one of the passengers _____ (was asking/ were asking/ is asking) to reduce the volume of music the driver’s attention was diverted. The bus fell down the road. If the passenger had not diverted the attention of the driver the accident ____ (would not happen/would have not happened/ would happen). In the accident, my friend got his leg ______ (break/ broken/ to break) and bruises on the body.                                          

The end


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