
Showing posts from June, 2020


DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES OF THE STATE POLICY Directive Principles are fundamental in the governance of a country and the State is under an obligation to apply these principles in making laws, though they cannot be enforced by a court order. These are intended for the guidance of the State according to the political philosophy it is guided by. As such, Directive Principles in a capitalist and socialist vary considerably. They establish the goals which the government should strive to achieve and include in its sectoral laws and policies. The Directive Principles are in fact, the overall policies undertaken by the State to achieve social equality and economic democracy. They are oriented towards the formation of a just, peaceful, open, and prosperous society. Though the implementation status of these Principles cannot be challenged in courts, the real sanction behind them is the mandate served by the electorate. The Directive Principles of State policy, thus, constitute directions given to th


              IMPACT Of COVID-19 IN NEPAL Corona virus for now has been the global issue. Most of the countries in the world are being victimized. The case is  rapidly increasing by the  increasing time. It has really been threat to all of the people. Furthermore, it has also been risk to the economic condition of every country as there’s no availability of manpower and also the budget for now has to be invested in health sector. Nepal is a South-Asian country bordered by China ( from where this virus started). Nepal was predicted to be the victim of virus as soon as the virus got started in China as Nepal is at exact side of the China. But then, fortunately it didn’t affect Nepal so soon. With the flow of time India got victimized and it also invited threat to Nepal. The government of Nepal closed all the international flights and also decided to do lockdown for some period of time. All of the students who had been studying in the city area returned back to their respective villa