IMPACT Of COVID-19 IN NEPAL

Corona virus for now has been the global issue. Most of the countries in the world are being victimized. The case is  rapidly increasing by the  increasing time. It has really been threat to all of the people. Furthermore, it has also been risk to the economic condition of every country as there’s no availability of manpower and also the budget for now has to be invested in health sector.

Nepal is a South-Asian country bordered by China ( from where this virus started). Nepal was predicted to be the victim of virus as soon as the virus got started in China as Nepal is at exact side of the China. But then, fortunately it didn’t affect Nepal so soon. With the flow of time India got victimized and it also invited threat to Nepal. The government of Nepal closed all the international flights and also decided to do lockdown for some period of time. All of the students who had been studying in the city area returned back to their respective villages. Nepal tried it best not to become the victim. However, Nepal also got introduced with a case in the month of March. A lady of 19 years old was found to be infected by the virus. She had flew to Nepal just somedays before from France. By now there are 2000+ cases in Nepal and 8 of them have died.

Nepal is a developing country. Nepal had been growing its development in economic sector as well. But, this global issue seems to be the biggest challenge to Nepal in terms of economic development. It has been investing its budget in the health sector. It has been 3 months since the country is locked down. There’s no person who is able to earn money due to the lockdown. Not wanting to keep one’s life in risk no one is daring to get themselves economically developed. But, at the same time many labors are getting affected and are going through traumatic situations. There have been many suicidal cases due to the lack of money and food. Most probably people are dying due to the threat of food rather than the virus. But then, the only thing focused for now is Corona virus which in my point of view is wrong. Furthermore, the country is so focused in education that there are online classes being conducted not thinking about the students who are trapped in their villages where neither the internet is available nor the recharge card to get mobile data for the study purpose. Those parents who are economically so poor are being pressurized not only because of health but by the food, money, education, and their children’s future. This has led to so many suicide cases which is not being highlighted for now.

No one can assure what happens the next. The only thing we can do for now is hope for the welfare of human lives. We should not only think about ourselves. Rather getting focused on fear lets see the positivity all around so that the world can move to the path of righteousness. Stay safe!


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