
Showing posts from April, 2019

Human cloning

Should parents be allowed to choose the genetic traits such as gender: eye color, or future of their unborn child? How about personality traits, talents, or resistance to certain disease? Write an essay that discusses how you feel about creating the "perfect baby". What are the advantage and disadvantages? The scientific technology “human cloning" makes possible to choose physical qualities or characteristics like eyes color gender, body size, etc. A person can be a father without marriage but taking genes. Selecting such qualities there can be a perfect baby made from genetically engineering system. Beautiful or ugly or handsome etc. like qualities there can be a perfect baby made from genetically engineering system. Beautiful, ugly, handsome, etc. Like qualities can be made from cloning. Is it practical and possible to live healthy life with cloning generation? There can be many advantages and disadvantages of cloning to make perfect baby. Though there is chance

Human cloning

Should we allow Scientists to use cloning to try to develop cures for specific disease for examples Alzheimer’s disease? Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper that states your position on this subject. Kirtipur, Kathmandu August 30, 2011 The Editor, The Kathmandu post Kathmandu Nepal Dear Sir, I would like to provide some ideas about this debatable subject cloning with the help of your newspaper. Could you please publish this article in your upcoming publication? When the success of cloning came in animals there is a question about whether it should be used to make human being or not. There are both positive and negative aspects of cloning. If this system is used in artificial reproductive system of is too bad. There is no value of married life and physical relation between opposite sexes. Almost all people will physically and mentally similar. There can’t be any extra skills and talent in such production like broiler chickens. If all the people are li

Human cloning

What is response writing and what are its steps?   Show in a diagram as well. Response writing is different from summary writing. Your opinion is presented clearly about the topic in response writing. While writing response you should be careful about the questions like:   How do I feel about this topic? How can I support my opinion? Like the summary there are three steps in response writing.           I.             Topic Sentence:- What you are responding to and how you feel about the subject is written here.         II.             Body: - In the body part of response you have to present ideas to support your opinion. Opinion can be from the subject matter or from your experience.       III.             Concluding Sentence: -In this part of response writing you have retell your view or opinion about the subject or topic given. The Diagram of Response Writing Topic Sentence What you are responding to How you feel about topic Body of Paragraph Sup

Human cloning

What is summary writing? And what are its steps? Make a diagram as well. A shortened cut down version of the subject matter is called summary writing. It is written in writer's (who is writing) words. Summary writing can be written about any topic lesson or even a picture. Normally, summary includes the most important information but not out personal feelings. What the subject is about and what writer (author) tries to say is main part of summary writing. There are three steps in writing summary. i) Topic sentences:   Beginning of summary writing is starting with topic sentence which is the main focus of the summary. Where the ideas are taken from and what is being said are in topic sentence. ii) Body:- writing summary is organizing the ideas or writing. This organization is called the body.   There is a type of pattern of presentation. iii) Concluding sentence:- The last part of writing summary paragraph is a concluding sentence. Concluding sentence restates (says a

Human cloning

What is the brainstorming and what are its Techniques? Brainstorming is a process or a technique of thinking about the topic or subject before writing about it .Brainstorming helps the writer to create different arguments and supports for the argument. This thinking about topic can be done various ways.   Brainstorming techniques, which are given below:        I.             Writing the ideas about any subject without any order.      II.             Talking about the topic with others.   III.             Making a flow chart of main points.   IV.             Writing a flow chart of ideas.     V.             Using the combination of these topics, etc.

Human cloning

What are the advantages and disadvantages of genetically engineered plants? After the discovery of cloning technology and success in sheep like mammals there is challenging questions whether it is used in cloning human for reproductive use or not. For the implication in human reproductive process it is strongly questionable. But this technology can be more productive in keeping the existence of going to be extinct animals and plants. Actual or be original quality not be acquired in cloned plants or animals but the species can be preserved. Genetic engineering is a science that works with transplantation of genes in term of producing new or mixed or similar species. This technology seems more useful in plants. If we apply cloning technology in plants, it will be less costly. Within less duration of time we can have production. By natural growth it will take longer time but by this technology within short time we can save extinct or perishing species of plants. By this we can

Human cloning

 It is acceptable to clone human stem cells to save life or cure diseases? Yes, it is obviously acceptable to clone human stem cells to save life or cure diseases. This process will be productive and I accept this. If this cloning system is used for changing cells, to cure particular damaged parts or cells it is ok. The damaged cells are replaced with the help of laboratory and high technological devices so that the damaged parts and damaged parts and diseases can be cured. Human stem cells should not be used for the reproduction. If this device is used for reproductive process, it will bring many more problems together. There must be a complete ban for reproductive use of human stem cells but there should be a legal provision for the therapeutically or medicinal use for curing different diseases and damaged parts of human body.

Human Cloning

If cloning because a reality, how will it affect the future of society? For example, what role will men have in society if they are no longer needed to reproduce? Cloning is applied in animal and possible to be used in human beings as well. Using cells we can create new child without national reproductive system. If this is legally applied in human all human being will be like chickens in a farm. A woman or a man can have child exact like himself or herself by cloning. But there will be negative effect of this technology. Parents will start to clone to their dying children so there will be similar children. Cloned children may spoil our physical identity and verities. all social patterns will be changed because almost all people are with similar physical structures and types. If cloning is applied what is the reproductive value between husband and wife since they don't need to make natural sex. In society there will be many criminal cases because it will be very difficu

Human Cloning

Human Cloning Human Cloning debate: Why do it? Why do it? Who’d be hurt? Should it be Legal? Peter Kendall Summary Cloning is a technique of producing humans, animals or plans without natural biological process. A sterile (who is unable to give birth of child) father can make a biological child. When the cloning was used in Scotland in a sheep it brought a debate. Whether cloning to human to not. By this we can make exact photocopy of parent. Since when cloning was possible in animals could be applied ion human or not. By this we can .Since when cloning was possible in animals could be applied in human beings as well. Ethically cloning is taken as morally wrong. There is a moral question that: Can cloning to human a legal work? The parent who are unable to have natural child, without taking others eggs or sperm, can be parents of children by using cloning system. There is an identity problem because all the products look exactly the same. It is the time parents (people


AMERICAN VALUES AND ASSUMPTIONS -        Gary Althen In this chapter excerpt, Althen focuses on nine central value and assumptions shared by the majority of people living in the United States. He contrasts these cultural patterns with those of other nations and describes the types of problems and misunderstandings that can occur when people from different cultures, with diverse beliefs and perceptions, interact. First he says what a culture is. People belonging to one culture have the same values and assumptions. They agree with each another about what is right and wrong and what is desirable and what is undesirable. A culture is a collection of values and assumptions which help the people how to react to the world. The first of the nine values is individualism. Individualism From the very early age, Americans have been taught to consider themselves as separate individuals responsible for luck and their situations in life. They have not been taught to think thems