
Showing posts from May, 2024

Book Review: ‘Ijoriya’ (इजोरिया) by Subin Bhattarai

- Alaka Neupane  Book Review: ‘Ijoriya’ by Subin Bhattarai ‘Ijoriya’ by Subin Bhattarai is an engaging novel that delves into the intricate lives of its characters set in the vibrant environment of Janakpur. The narrative introduces a diverse cast including Simrik, Ramila, Shankar Shireesh, Haridhwaj Mishra, Moti (the loyal dog), Raghunath, Thakur, Rambali, Kahawat Chacha, Fuwa (the nurturing figure), Mayadevi (Ramila’s mother), Bisanlal, Abhiyan, and Prashant who collectively weave a story rich in societal commentary. The plot hooks readers with its suspense, particularly around the mysterious suicide of Shireesh, and keeps them engaged with numerous twists and turns. Ramila’s character embodies the struggles of a typical village woman, bound by the oppressive norms of a patriarchal society. Her life, dictated by her husband and father-in-law, highlights the harsh rea


  LEGISLATION AS A SOURCE OF LAW IN THE CONTEXT OF NEPAL Background The term ‘ Legislation ’ is derived from the Latin words ‘ Legis ’ a law and ‘ Latum ’  meaning ‘make’, ‘put’, and ‘set’. Thus etymologically, legislation means making or  setting the law. Broadly , this term is used in three senses:  Firstly , in its broadest sense, it includes all  methods of law-making. In this sense, legislation includes  judge-made rules of law, and  even the particular rules of law or the rights created at law between parties  to contract.  In the second sense, the legislation includes every expression of the will of the legislature,  whether directed to the making of law or not. In this sense, every act of the legislature is  an instance of legislation, irrespective of its purpose and effect. The legislature does not  confine its action to the making of law, yet all its functions are included within the term  ‘legislation’, for example, the legislature may enter into a treaty with a foreign sta

न्याय प्रणालीको विकासमा अदालतको मित्रको भूमिका

 न्याय प्रणालीको विकासमा अदालतको मित्रको भूमिका पृष्ठभूमी अदालत भनेको न्यायिक काम गर्नको लागि बनाइएको एउटा अड्डा हो । जसले जनताको संवैधानिक र   मौलिक हक अधिकारको संरक्षण गर्दछ । अदालतमा विचाराधिन विषय केवल पक्ष विपक्षका हित,  स्वार्थ रक्षा गर्ने विषयमा मात्र केन्द्रित हुँदैन । सो विषय समग्र समाजलाई नै असर गर्ने प्रवृत्तिको हुन  सक्छ। तर, समाजलाई कस्तो निर्णय पस्किने भन्ने कुरामा अदालतलाई दुविधा पर्न सक्छ। त्यस्तो  भएको खण्डमा अदालतले आफ्नो सहजताका लागि सम्बन्धित विषयमा विद्वता हासिल गरेका  विशेषज्ञ, कानुन व्यवसायी, सरकारी वकिल वा प्राध्यापकलाई आह्वान गर्न सक्दछ।  'एमिकस क्युरी' ल्याटिन शब्द हो जसको अर्थ विवादलाई मित्रवत र सही ढङ्गले सुल्झाउनु हुन्छ।   नेपालीमा एमिकस क्यूरीलाई अदालतको सहयोगी भनिन्छ। अदालतलाई कुनै जटिल कानुनी प्रश्नमा वा  सार्वजनिक सरोकारको विषयमा निर्णयमा पुग्नका लागि अदालतले सहयोग मागे बमोजिम उपस्थित  भई बहस पैरवी गर्ने व्यक्ति अदालतको सहयोगी हो। उनिहरुले कुनै पक्षका पक्षतर्फ सम्बद्ध नरही सही  न्याय निरूपणको निमित्त अदालतमा उपस्थित भई बहस पैरवी गरी अदालतलाई विष

‘तिमी को’ कविताको वर्तमान समाजसँगको सान्दर्भिक्ता

‘तिमी को’ कविताको वर्तमान समाजसँगको सान्दर्भिक्ता   परिचय कविको परिचय गोपाल प्रसाद रिमाल नेपाली कवितामा लययुक्त गधका प्रयोगकर्ता र त्यसको नेतृत्यवदायी कवि हुन। गोपाल प्रसाद रिमाल( १९७५-२०३०) नेपालि साहित्यमा प्रगतीवादि साहित्यकारका रुपमा चिनिन्छ।काठमाण्डौँको लगनटोलमा जन्मिएका गोपालप्रसाद रिमाल निकै प्रतिभावान् व्यक्तिका रुपमा परिचित छन्। उनी वि.सं १९९१ सालको प्रवेशीका परिक्षाको बोर्ड प्रथम भएका थिए र उनले प्रमाणपत्र तससम्म अध्यन गरे।रिमालको साहित्यिक यात्रा वि.स १९९२ मा शारदा पत्रिकामा “प्रति” शिर्षकको कविता प्रकाशित गरि भएको थियो।उनले सामन्य बोली चालीको भाषामा विशिष्ट अर्थ सम्प्रषित गरेका छन्।रिमालको परिवर्तन र चेतनायुक्त कविता उनको जिवनको भोजाईबाट प्रेणित छन्।“मसान”, “यो प्रेम”, “आमाको सपना” आदी उनको चर्चित कृतीहरु हुन।उनले वि.स २०१९ सालमा आमा को सपना का लागी मदन पुरस्कारबाट सम्मानित भएका थिए।उनले वि.स २०३० सालमा त्रिभुवन पुरस्कारबाट पनि सम्मानित भएका थिए।उनि थोरै लेखेर धेरै नाम कमाउने कविको रुपमा पनि चर्चित भएका छन्। उद्देश्य  तिमी को कविताको भावको अहिलेको समाजसँगको तादम्यता बारे ख

Book Review: Eklo (एक्लो) by Buddhisagar

    - Alaka Neupane Book Review: Eklo (एक्लो) by Buddhisagar Buddhi Ram Chapain, widely known by his pen name Buddhisagar (Nepali: बुद्धिसागर ) , is a distinguished Nepalese writer and poet born on 2 June 1981 in Kailali district of Nepal. He is renowned for his novels "Karnali Blues" and "Phirphire". From a young age, Buddhisagar exhibited a passion for writing, with his poems being featured on the radio. After completing his school education, Buddhisagar moved to Kathmandu where he pursued journalism at RR Campus. Before dedicating himself fully to writing, he worked as a journalist for Naya Patrika and Nagarik News. Buddhisagar's literary career took off with the publication of "Karnali Blues" in 2010. The novel, written in Nepali with dialogues in Tharu and the Jumli dialect, explores the relationship between the protagonist and his dying father. It received widespread acclaim and was translated into English by Prof. Michael J. Hutt, and publ